Om Mina mina mina!!!!!!!
"A 2" whale is suspended from a flowered,
ornamental finding, and a miniature nautical
wheel charm dangles about 3 up one side of the chain.
All components of this delicate, asymmetrical necklace are brass.
Originally named the "Moby Dick" necklace,
this piece was inspired by Melville's classic novel,
and by American whaling history and folklore from the 19th century.
Chain length is about 16 inches, so the whale hangs
just below the collarbone and the captain's wheel nestles into
the hollow of the clavicle. Brass spring ring closure."
Snart är Moby min.
Ungefär så här känner jag mig.
Stjäl bilden och du dör.
Ta det som ett hot.
Nu eftersom folk inte respekterar mig så var jag tvungen att stämpa den.